A University Management System to Facilitate the Implementation of Bologna Process at University of Duhok

Ismail A. Ali
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Duhok

Lokman H. Hassan
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Duhok


For the purpose of delivery of learning material, University of Duhok started using Moodle learning management system (LMS) since 2012. However, the implementation of Bologna Process at Kurdistan universities brought in new challenges. Therefore, and to facilitate the implementation of this Process at University of Duhok, the University started developing an electronic university management system (UMS). The system will cover the lifecycle of students from first day when they register themselves to graduation and then becoming alumni. Additionally, the system includes modules that will benefit academic staff like quality assurance and academic promotion.
The system will improve the transparency and efficiency of the learning process and will make available a valuable volume of data that can be used to further enhance the University operations and improve the quality of education delivered. The system will reduce the required time for information processing and minimize the errors in the systems due to human factors.
This paper demonstrates the specification of this system and the different modules that it accommodates.