Bologna Database and Electronic Management System (BDEMS): EPU Model

Yasin Hameed Rasheed
Erbil Technology College


A group of EPU staff (Lecturers and Specialists) designed, implemented and managed the Bologna Database and Electronic Management System (BDEMS) to facilitate the lecturer’s tasks for the Bologna-based learning process. The system helps in organizing and developing learning plans for each and entire educational components (modules or courses) from the beginning of the semester starting with the associated workloads, determining the type and number of activities ending with the result and announcing the grades for students. The system provides tools for managing examination committees and announcing results at the end of the process allowing students to keep track of their minor and final grades.

The database contains the most necessary aspects and is scalable and flexible enough to include any necessary aspects that are considered part of the system. As an example; the system also accommodates flexible options for staff and student motilities among the different colleges and institutes including the different departments.

There are different levels in the database according to the position or tasks of the user and the authorization is determined according to the tasks or position.

The database has been successfully implemented for Erbil Polytechnic University, but it can include any other universities if the project is supported by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Kurdistan Region.