Impact of Bologna Process on Specialized Accreditation in (KRI) Universities

Jehan M. Sheikh Suleimany
Salahaddin University


It is crucial to confirm that education is upholding the minimum criteria necessary to satisfy constantly evolving requirements around the world to fully utilize the benefits of education. All public and most private universities in the Kurdistan Region have received recognition and accreditation from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in KRI .In turn, the Iraqi government has agreed to recognize public and private universities operating in disputed area. Regionalism has the potential to provide models for accreditation and quality assurance systems in developing countries, such as Iraq in general and Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) universities in particular. In the academic year 2019-2020, the Bologna process has been adopted in KRI universities and implemented, particularly in Salahaddin University/college of engineering. ECTS is a central tool in the Bologna Process, which aims to make national education systems more comparable internationally. This study illustrates the role of the Bologna Process in the interplay of global, regional, and national forces shaping the systems of international specialized accreditation quality assurance in KRI universities. This contest focuses on the outcomes of specialized accreditation, which will be used to enhance excellence in higher education institutions (HEIs). It is based on a literature review and a pilot study on the College of Engineering at Salahaddin University, and the factors behind it are explored. The findings show the necessity for universities in the KRI to obtain specialized accreditation following the significant changes in the teaching credit hours and their effects on quality control and student outcomes; making transferring credits easier; and rising market confidence in university credentials in the wake of Bologna. It is strongly recommended to accredit the modified learning programs in KRI using the Bologna process internationally. Finally, all KRI universities need to be well-prepared in both human and material resources for the achievement of specialized accreditation. Therefore, everything related to the program, such as curricula and facilities, needs to be periodically reviewed and revised. Moreover, lecturers need to diversify their teaching and assessment methods.