Dr. Aram Mohamad Qadir
His Excellency Dr. Aram Mohamad Qadir Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Amanj Saeed
Dr. Amanj Saeed Head of Conference
Dr. Amanj Saeed is Senior Advisor to the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Kurdistan Regional Government. He is actively involved in Higher Education initiatives, Human Capacity Development Program, National Research Council, Pedagogical Reform, and Medical Education. He has previously served as the higher education advisor to the office of KRG prime minister and has worked on Higher Education Reform projects, Medical Education, and Human Capacity Development. He was also lecturer at the University of Sulaimani, School of Medicine, Department of Microbiology, and infectious diseases. He holds a PhD in Virology and Infectious Diseases and MSc in Clinical Microbiology from the University of Nottingham, UK. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in Medicine and Surgery, and Bachelor’s Degree in law from the University of Sulaimani.



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First Day

Keynote 1

Dr. Robert Wagenaar

Dr. Robert Wagenaar is a Professor of History and Politics of Higher Education and Director of the International Tuning Academy at the University of Groningen. The Academy is an education and research centre with focus on the reform of higher education programs. It runs a bi-annual SCOPUS, ERIC and Web of Science indexed Tuning Journal for Higher Education. Since 2005 he is the President of the Consortium and Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Euroculture. From 2003 until mid-2014 he was director of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Studies at the Faculty of Arts of the same University. His research interest is in higher education innovation and policy making.

Keynote 2

Prof. Dr. Susanne Steimer

Works as university lecturer, consultant and trainer.

An author specialized in sales management and leadership.

Quality assurance of Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes based on bologna process standards – the system of programme accreditations.

First Panel

Dr. Amir Abdulrahman Ahmad Zebari

Panel Moderator
Advisor to the Minister of MHE

Currently, he is the advisor for Scientific Research. Previously, he worked as a Lecturer in Physics Department at Salahaddin University-Erbil for 13 years. From 2016 to 2020 he served as Head of Physics Department. He received a B.S. from Salahaddin University in 2000, and an M.Sc. from the same university in 2003. He received his Ph.D. in Physics of nanostructures and nanophysics from Jagiellonian University Krakow/Poland in 2015. His research interests include nanoparticles and their application in cancer therapy using Molecular Dynamics Simulation. At present, Dr. Amir is robustly engaged in following up and promoting researches that are relevant to future critical and scientific affairs for the betterment of student outcomes and higher education.

Nazhad Ahmed Hussein Panelist
University committee member of the second German-Iraq symposium (partnership in progress) in salahaddin university-mechanical department Representative of Ministry of higher education for establishing the law of universities with parliament committee for education, council of ministries, and ministry of finance regarding the bureau consultancy.
Dr.Rezhen Harun Panelist
Assistant Professor, holding (Ph.D.) degree in Marketing Management in Agriculture & Water Resources/ Non- Market Valuation, College of Agricultural Sciences Engineering at the University of Sulaimani in Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq
Dr. Lokman H Hassan Panelist
Dr. Lokman H Hassan received BSc. and MSc. from University of Technology Iraq and PhD from University of Malaya Malaysia. He worked as a site engineer prior to joining University of Duhok in 2002.
Botan Majid Ahmed Panelist
Botan Majeed Asinger has been an academic staff member at Erbil Polytechnic University (EPU) since 1995. He is now Dean of Erbil Technology College (ETC). Botan Asinger obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from University of Mosul (Mosul, Iraq) in 1992 and then his Master’s degree from Salahaddin University (Erbil, Iraq) in 1995. Later, he obtained his Ph.D. from University of Nottingham, UK (2011).
Prof. Ebrahim Karimi Panelist
Canada Academic Chair in Structured Quantum Waves Co-director of the uOttawa Nexus for Quantum Technology Research Interest: Structured Quantum waves and their application in Quantum Communication and Quantum Computation

Second Panel

Dr. Khattab Ahmed Mustafa

Panel Moderator
Assistant Prof. Dr. Khattab Ahmed Mustafa, Ph.D. in Biology/ Mycology and Mycotoxins. Director General of Education, Planning, and Follow up in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, KRG- Iraq.
He is responsible for managing five directorates (Directorate of Student Admission Center, Statistics and Planning, Education and Follow-up, Certificates and Career Development Centers). Thus, he is responsible for all the affairs that are related to undergraduate students.
From 1998 to 2012, he worked as an academic staff at both Sulaimani and Salahaddin Universities. From 2012 to 2021, as Director General of Administration and Finance.
He has excellent experience in Student Admission System, as he has been working in this field since 1996. Based on his background, he is very interested in linking the labor market to university admissions plans and designing curricula according to the needs of labor market

Yaseen Taha Mustafa Panelist
Prof. Mustafa is currently occupying the position of Vice President for scientific and postgraduate affairs at the University of Zakho and is also the chair of the Bologna Process Committee at the same university.
Shakhawan Hares Wadi Panelist
Shakhawan Hares Wady received his PhD degree in Information Technology from the Sulaimani Polytechnic University (2021). His MSc degree from the University Technology Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia in the area of Computer Science (2012). He received his first Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry Science from the University of Sulaimani (2003).
Dr. Masood Abdulkareem Abdulrahman Panelist
Qualification and speciality: Assistant Professor/PhD in Community Medicine Your current position: Dean of College of Health and Medical Technology -Shekhan Dean of Shekhan Technical Institute /Duhok Polytechnic University Your Research interest:Public Health , Nutrition , Vaccines
پ.ی.د.كاروان عەلی قادر Panelist
- دكتۆرا لە كۆمیونیكەیشن، میدیاو كەلتور، لە زانكۆی برادفۆرد لە بریتانیا - بڕوانامەی پێداگۆجی لە زانكۆی (HAMK) لە فینلاند لە ساڵی 2018-2019 - زانكۆی پۆلیتەكنیكی سلێمانی، سەرۆكی بەشی پەیوەندییە گشتییەكان و بازاڕگەری، ئەندامی لیژنەی باڵای جێبەجێكردنی پڕۆسەی بۆڵۆنیای زانكۆ، مامۆستای خولەکانی پێداگۆجی
Ann Katherine Isaacs International Expert
Ann Katherine Isaacs (b. 1943) studied at the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of Milan. Research and teaching fellow at the Superior Normal School of Pisa from 1971 to 1975, from 1975 to 2013 she was Professor of the University of Pisa, of Renaissance and Early Modern History. She served as Rector’s delegate for European programmes in education and research from 2013 to 2016.

Third Panel

Dr. Sabah Ibrahim Wais

Panel Moderator
Advisor to the minister of MHE

He worked as an academic representative from 2012 to 2014 in the board of Duhok University. From 2014 to 2019 he served as a Vice President of Duhok University for Scientific Affairs and Postgraduate Studies. He received B.S. from University of Mosul in 1995, and M.Sc. from the University of Technology in Baghdad in 1997. He received his Ph.D. in Plasma Physics from the University of Duhok in 2009. His research interests span both Laser technology and Plasma Physics.
Currently, he has an evident and lively role in all the committees that are relevant to scientific and student affairs in the ministry. He worked lively with career development centers and link creation between the center and market need during his vice presidency.

Ali Yousif Azeez Panelist
He was born in 1978 to a Kurdish refugee family in Iran, where he got his high school diploma. He graduated from English Language Department in 2002. He got his MA in English Linguistics in 2008 from the College of Languages.
Dr. Jamal Ali Omar Panelist
Qualification and specialization: PhD in Applied Linguistics Your current position: Head of English Department, College of Basic Education/University of Raparin Research interest: Foreign Language Learning/Teaching, Language Transfer, Curriculum Design and Development
بژار عبداللە احمد Panelist
بڕوانامەی بەکالۆریۆسی لە ساڵی ٢٠١١ لە بواری یاسا لە زانکۆی سۆران تەواو کردووە بە پلەی یەکەم. لە ساڵی ٢٠١٥ بڕوانامەی ماستەری لە بواری یاسای بازرگانی نێودەوڵەتی لە وڵاتی بەریتانیا زانکۆی لیدز بەکێت تەواو کردووە. لە ساڵی ٢٠٢٠ بڕوانامەی دکتۆرای لە یاسای تایبەت لە زانکۆی سۆران تەواو کردووە. لە ساڵی ۲٠٢٠ وە سەرۆکی بەشی یاسایە لە فاکەڵتی یاسا و زانستە سیاسیەکان و بەڕێوەبردن لە زانکۆی سۆران.
Asmaa Amin Hussein Bamerni Panelist
- Qualification and specialty: MA in Pragmatics, PhD in Linguistics and Phonology - Your current position: Lecturer at the English Department, College of languages, University of Duhok - Your Research interest: Pragmatics, Phonetics, Phonology, Sociolinguistics, ELT.
Aram M-A. Qadir Panelist
Qadir is a Member of the Bologna process High committee at the University of Halabja and a Member of The Higher Committee for the Attestation of English Language Certificates, such as IELTS and TOEFL certificates, Qadir is an Assistance lecturer at the International Trade department. From the establishment of the department until now,

Fourth Panel

Dr. Mohammed Hussein Ahmed Bapir

Panel Moderator

Mohammed got BA in English Language and Literature in 2000 from Salahadeen University and then served as an English teacher in the Ministry of Education. He got MA in English Methodology and Applied Linguistics in 2006 from Diyala University. He was the head of English department at the universities of Sulaimani and Garmian till 2015. He was an Exchange Faculty to Appalachian State University, NC, USA in 2009. He was an Academic Visitor and PhD Research Scholar at Aston University, UK in 2010. He got PhD in English Linguistics and Pragmatics from Sulaimani University in 2011. He was an International relations officer at the office of the Minister of Higher Education between 2015 and 2018. He was a member of the advisory board for KRG-Minister of Martyrs and Anfal Affairs for genocide issues between 2014- 2019. He is the Director General and Head of Apparatus of Supervision and Quality Assurance at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research from May, 2018 to present. He is also the head of the high committee of the implementation of Bologna Process at the Ministry. He has been to over 50 conferences locally and internationally. He has over 10 researches and three published books by Lambert Academy publications.

Prof. Dr. Susanne Steimer Panelist
University of Applied Management Studies, Mannheim
Quality assurance of Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes based on bologna process standards – the system of programme accreditations.
Silvia Marchionne Panelist
Part of the UNIMED team since 2013, she works within UNIMED in the International Projects and Networking Office as Project Manager. She undertakes research activities and analysis for Euro-Mediterranean and international projects, contributes in the search for partners, writes project proposals and manages projects being also in charge of networking activities with UNIMED university members
Rizgar Mustafa Mohamad Panelist
Among his awards, Rezgar received Distinguished Professional Contribution Award from the Southern Agricultural Economics Association in the United States for the third best-presented poster, and the Runner-Up International Food Issues Award from Texas Tech University for the second best-presented paper
Jehan Sheikh Suleimany Panelist
I am Jehan Sheikh Suleimany, and I hold a Ph.D. in water resources engineering. I have more than 30 years of teaching experience at several local and foreign universities, and I have worked as an engineer on various projects and locations. My career taught me to respect humanity and sanctify work. May I serve and benefit those around me, at least a little.

Second Day

Keynote 3

Soumodip Sarkar

Soumodip Sarkar, former Vice President (Vice-President/Chancellor) of the University of Évora, Portugal, is a Full Professor at the Department of Management, University of Évora, Portugal, and researcher at CEFAGE-UE. He is currently also a Fellow of the Asia Center at Harvard University. He is also the Executive President of the regional Science Park (PACT), where is currently engaged also in in promoting an entrepreneurial ecosystem in the region. This involves setting up three more new buildings and related infrastructure, as well as attracting international startups and companies to the region, and connecting them to the regional extant knowhow in the University and three polytechnics of the region. He is also the Scientific Coordinator of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM)_Portugal.

Keynote 4

E. Burak Arıkan, PhD

E. Burak Arıkan, is a graduate of Bilkent University Department of Political Science (BA 1992, MA 1993) and has a PhD degree from Exeter University in the field of Politics on 1996. Until 2013 he worked at Bilkent and Sabancı Universities (1996-2013). During his tenure at these universities he was actively involved in curriculum development and internationalization of higher education. He has been selected several times by the European Commission as an expert in the field of Bologna process. Since 2013 Dr. Arikan is working as a consultant and given consultancy to more than 10 universities both in Turkey and abroad. Among those universities, are Abdullah Gül, Atatürk, TED, Nisantasi, Turkish-Japanese universities from Turkey and Erbil Polytechnic University and University of Mosul from Iraq

First Panel

Dr. Assad Muhamad Mahmood

Panel Moderator

Assist. Prof. Dr. Asaad Mohammed Mahmood holds Ph.D. in Biological Sciences, University of Reading, UK. He has 14 years of work experience at higher education and specifically four years in the modern Pedagogy and Bologna process. He is currently Director of Pedagogy training and academic development centre at the University of Garmian. He has experience in teaching pedagogy trainees in most universities of Kurdistan Region. He has also attended several international training courses in Finland, USA and the Netherlands regarding the Bologna process and Market-Oriented Curriculum Design.

Dr. Ameen Abdulqader Omar Panelist
Qualification: Assistant Professor Specialty: Kurdish Novel Current position: Director of Center of Languages- UoD, lecturer at Kurdish Department, and Trainer of pedagogical training courses Research interest: Kurdish literature, literary criticism and education.
Ahmed Hama Gharib Abdullah Panelist
Ahmed Hama Gharib Abdullah, Assistant Professor, Head of the Pedagogy and Academic Development Training Center, UHD. Lecturer at the Diplomacy and Public Relations Department, UHD. He teaches on Public Diplomacy, Principle of Public Relations, Media and Public Opinion, Methodology. He holds Ph.D. in media and communication from Sheffield Hallam University in the United Kingdom.
Sarkawt Muhammad Qadir Panelist
Sarkawt Muhammad Qadir holds a master’s degree in English language and linguistics and a bachelor’s degree in English language and literature. He has been teaching various undergraduate courses at the university of Raparin. His research interests lie primarily in the fields of linguistics, English language education and applied linguistics.
Dr. Hawkar Rashid Arab Panelist
Dr. Hawkar Rashid Arab holds a Ph.D. degree in Business Administration. He has work experience in higher education, generally in bologna process, quality assurance and accreditation. Currently he is Director of Quality Assurance and Accreditation at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and he is member of the Higher Committee of the Bologna Process implementation at the ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Second Panel

First Panel

Kazi Hassan Saleh

Panel Moderator

Experienced university lecturer with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry. An education professional with a PhD focused on Translation Studies from City, University of London, MA in Bilingual Translation English-Arabic from Westminster University, BA in English language and literature from the University of Sulaimani, and Professional Diploma in Innovation Pedagogy from Hame University of Applied Sciences, Finland.

Taybat Izat Dewali Panelist
I am Taybat Izat Dewali. I have an MA degree in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). And I currently work as an assistant lecturer at the University of Duhok/College of Basic Education. I am mostly interested in conducting research in the areas of English language teaching and learning, psycholinguistics, and sociolinguistics.
Shaima Ahmed Hassan Panelist
I'm now a lecturer of applied linguistics, with research interest in several areas, including English for specific purposes, English for academic Purposes, Educational technology and Methods of teaching. These are areas I have written on and have worked published over the past 10 years I have been in University
Nabaz Nawzad Abdulla Panelist
Current Position: Dean, College of Administration & Economics, Lebanese French University
Qualification and Speciality: Public Management, Pedagogy, Modern Pedagogy
Research Interest: Public Management, E-government, Entrepreneurship, Human Resource Management
Shaimaa Mahmood Mohammed Saleem Panelist
Specialization: Methodology Current position: Assistant lecturer Research interest: The Influence of Implementing the Bologna Process ( Students-Centered Approach) on the University EFL Learners’ Affective Domain.
Twana Saadi Hamid Panelist
Twana Hamid is Assistant Professor of Linguistics & English Language at the Department of English Language, University of Sulaimani. He gained his B.A. and M.A. in English language and Linguistics from University of Sulaimani. After several years of Teaching in various English Departments in Sulaimani, hegained his Doctorate studies at Newcastle University, UK in 2016 .

Third Panel

Assis. Prof. Dr. Zhala Saeed Khatat

Panel Moderator

Assistant Professor Dr. Zhala Saeed Yahya received a Ph.D. in Commercial Law from the University of Salahaddin – Hawler in 2010 and a master’s degree in Commercial Law from the University of Salahaddin – Hawler in 2003. She is currently working as Director General of the Department of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the Ministry of Higher Education. She has worked as a university Lecturer since 2003. Her research areas include Company law, Banks, the Stock market, and Commercial Arbitration. She also participated in writing a textbook for the college of Law.

Ismael Ameen Ali Panelist
Ismail Amin Ali received his PhD in Electronic Systems Engineering from the University of Essex, UK. His MSc from the University of Duhok is in the area of automatic verification. He received his BSc degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Mosul, Iraq. His current research interests include video communications and wireless networks.
Yaseen Hameed Rashid Panelist
Yaseen Hameed Rashid was born in Kirkuk, Iraq in 1969. He received a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Technology, Mechanical Department in 1991. He received a Master's degree in Acoustics and Vibration from the Mechanical Engineering Department in 2006. Currently, he is an assistant Lecturer , Erbil Technology College, Erbil Polytechnic University, Kurdistan, Iraq. Head of the Database Committee for the Bologna Process at Erbil Polytechnic University
Bushra Hassan Marouf Panelist
Assistant Professor in Pharmacology and Toxicology, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology-College of Pharmacy- University of Sulaimani. Representative of Bologna process at College of Pharmacy and head of the committee of the Curriculum Development of the College of Pharmacy.
Stam Kameel Saeed Panelist
Stam Kamil Saeed is the Director of the Center for Pedagogical Training and Academic Development at University of Sulaimani. He holds MA in political philosophy from University of Exeter (UK), and a Diploma in Pedagogy from University of HAMK (Finland). He teaches political philosophy at Department of Politics and IR (UoS). He is a member of the virtual reading group at Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and Humanities at Bard College.
Dr. Alan jameel ibrahim Panelist
Assistant Professor, education and psychology, head of psychology department - UoD, Research interest: Self-esteem, thinking skills, teaching strategies, performance development

Fourth Panel

Dr. Yaseen Salih Hama

Panel Moderator

Director General of Scholarship and Cultural Relations in MHE.

Dr. Yaseen obtained his PhD in Politics and International Relations at the University of Nottingham-UK in 2018. He published his first book about Political Opposition in 2010. His areas of research comprise Ethnic Conflict Regulation Models and Nationalism. He also works on institutionalization of KRG’s political institutions.

Dr. Nazar Shabila Panelist
Nazar P. Shabila has MSc degree in Public Health in Developing Countries from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and PhD in Community Medicine from Hawler Medical University. He is a professor of community medicine at Hawler Medical University. He has published more than 70 research articles in reputed international journals. He has obtained and managed several research and educational development
Ako Ibrahim Faqe Panelist
Director of Postgraduate studies, University Of Halabja, Kurdistan, Iraq
Dr. Ava Omer Fattah Panelist
Dr. Ava Omer Fattah is a member of the university high committee of the Bologna Process at the University of Sulaimani. She holds a bachelor's degree in Business Administration from the University of Sulaimani, a master's degree in Business Administration from the University of Wales, and a Ph.D. in the Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior field from the University of Sulimani.
Rasha Alkabbanie Panelist
Rasha Alkabbanie is the Director of Quality Management and Accreditation at Tishk International University. Under her realm, she oversees the development, management, implementation and sustainability of the quality management and accreditation activities, ISO compliance procedures, and accreditation programs.
Karzan Fateh Namiq Panelist
I am Karzan Namiq, received master degree from university of Tasmania/Australia in 2015. Ccurrently I am teaching (Agricultural subjects, English language courses) at (Sulaimani polytechnic university). Also, I am the director of quality assurance and curriculum development directorate at (SPU). My research interests besides working on quality assurance are safety and quality of animal products. I have (9) published papers in international and local journals.