Aram Mohammed-Amin Qadir, MSc
University Of Halabja
The actuality that internal evolutions within the Higher Education (HE) system in the Kurdistan region have been slow, their participation in the Bologna process has shown to spillover results such as supporting the civilization of quality in the HE system, improving the use of contemplative policy-making mechanisms or promoting general responsibility. In this context, evaluating the Impact of the old financial procedure on the Bologna Process in the duration of structural shifts in the practice of their Bologna process implementation in higher education programs is required. The first question is, how did the procedures of systemic financial transformation happen, and how great were they? In order to answer this question, an aged financial system comparison is employed. The second study question is, how can change in the financial system be designated from the viewpoint of the normative power of HE in order to complete the Bologna processes Structure. Discussing this case is required from the standpoint of the efficiency and sustainability of the processes of transformation, as well as that of helping institutional confluence. The current study is a preliminary attempt to identify the impacts of the reform on (I) financial procedure for the Morning Studies, (II) financial procedure for the Evening Studies (III) the institute wages and salary premium. Using administrative and Scientific data to specify the incremental introduction of the reform in implementing the Bologna process in universities, we find that post-reform of financial procedures has a significance on the implementation of the Bologna process than pre-reform implementation